Individual Therapy

For Elders, Adults, Teens, Children, and Babies

Elders: At this stage in life, is it important that you are honored for your contributions to family, community, and the professional realm. I will support you to transform from a state of continual ‘doing’ into being - sometimes a challenging, and also nourishing process. Knowing fully and unapologetically who you are as you offer your gifts and wisdom affirms your own unique legacy. If you are holding onto any regrets, I will deeply listen, and also encourage you to exist in aging with amends and acceptance. Together, we will also discuss themes around mortality, spirituality, and what your dreams for a fulfilled life continue to become.

Adults: Individual therapy can be a valuable space to process your thoughts aloud with compassionate witnessing. I believe that as adults, it is highly important that we unwind the patterns that no longer serve us. These patterns are often based on the most efficient ways that we received love from caregivers and partners, but are not necessarily the most effective. At times, these patterns can be quite beautiful and important to our life story and who we have become, and in other instances they can limit us.

Individual therapy allows you to:

  • Become aware of your patterns

  • Reconcile or honor these patterns, and hold them with self-compassion

  • Transcend beyond blame into acceptance

  • Take personal accountability

  • Practice new coping skills

  • Grow into a more loving, confident, and actualized version of yourself

Individual therapy is also a potent space where you can be celebrated for your accomplishments and directed toward your dreams for the future. In each session I attune to your immediate needs, while also addressing your long-term goals. I believe it is a therapist’s calling to hold a client accountable to their integrity; while I will give you my opinion and encourage you to stay steadfast in your truth, I am also fierce in my unconditional positive regard for you.

Teens: Your relationships with parents, care-givers, and peers are often complex. I believe that an additional person to hear and value who you are is of huge benefit. It is also important for you to express your joys and frustrations, and to have support as you learn how to be a healthy and vibrant individual. Therapy can be a space that is both non-judgmental and offers expansive ways of considering the myriad of choices that you are faced with on a daily basis. Topics that teens often want to talk with me about are: identity, sexuality, consent, school and grades, peer relationships, after-school activities, substances, and social media, as well as mental health and understanding diagnoses.

Children: If you are seeking therapy for your child, know that I am highly committed and moved to learn the depth of who they are. I want them to feel comfortable in a counseling space and will spend several sessions getting to know them in a gentle, encouraging, and playful way.

Therapy can look several ways for children, including but not limited to:

  • Having a mentor to discuss topics with when they need someone beyond their parents

  • Playing in the park - often conversation flows more freely when a child’s body is moving

  • Learning about wins and losses through games

  • Working on sensory support and resourcing for emotional regulation

  • Coping with peer interactions

  • Developing positive skills to set safe, age-appropriate boundaries

Choosing a good fit for your child is imperative, and I want you to feel included. We can schedule occasional phone calls to keep you updated with your child’s progress, while also holding their confidentiality sacred.

Babies: The relationship between a parent or care-giver and a baby is like none other; it needs to be nurtured, witnessed, and supported by a larger village. I offer sessions for care-givers and babies to strengthen the essential mirroring that develops healthy attachment. Additionally, with my background as a dancer, I provide a safe space to teach developmental movement patterns, which offers care-givers and babies real-time tools for connection, play, and growth. If you and your baby experienced birth trauma, a NICU experience, or are navigating developmental delays, I will tailor sessions to your specific needs, while also incorporating a deep personal and clinical knowledge of the potent resources inherent within somatic psychotherapy.

Relationship Therapy

For Couples, Co-parents, Families, and Friends

The dynamic between two or more people can be potent, loving, magnetizing, and hugely reparative if approached with compassion, trust, and respect.

Therapies between couples, co-parents, families, and friends are each unique yet also share a commonality: in our most important relationships, we are seeking to be truly seen and understood. How we offer and receive love is formed in our witnessing of, or in reaction to, how our first caregivers loved us.

Couples: I will support you to together refine and live by the sum that is greater than your individuality; what brought you together, and how to strengthen and sustain these values in a fast-paced world. Often when couples understand their templates of love through therapy, they can organize their lives around a more compassionate exchange. I offer attachment and somatic-based counseling for spouses, fiancés, and partners.

Co-parents: If you have a child or children together, therapy can be beneficial to honor first who you are as individuals, what your common ground is for your child, and how you want to logistically organize your life around caring for your child. I love working with co-parents in all stages; whether you are recently navigating a breakup, separation, divorce, living in different dwellings, were never married, or are finding new love - your story is welcome here.

Families: Each person within a family system has a unique role to play. If someone creates a change within themselves - whether it is beneficial, hurtful, or both - the system may need additional unbiased support to weather what is now present, and to create newly loving and sustainable ways of relating. Family therapy can be a poignant time to witness and heal with one another through creative exercises based on discerning between perception, intention, and lasting impact.

Friends: Beyond our families, friends are vital to our well-being. Rarely do we have the understanding or confidence to navigate conflict within our friendships. This unique modality can support friends to co-create the conditions in which they can best thrive while holding one another accountable with care. As we grow and change, so may our friendships; the fullness of modernity continues to ask more of us and can challenge how we prioritize our chosen family. Counseling for friends is a new therapeutic form which supports healthy communication patterns and offers practices for maintaining long-lasting friendships.

The Spring Wind Resourcing Method

This innovative methodology encourages clients to discover empowered re-patterning of life events within 9 key event memories, based on a potent theme of choice. With Ellen’s support, clients utilize writing, art-work, and movement / gesture to synthesize the deconstruction of trauma or PTSD, or to celebrate a major life milestone.

Day-Long Retreats

For seasoned and regular clients, Ellen opens her tranquil home in the mountains of Lyons, CO for a unique all-day therapeutic experience. Designed together, this can include the Spring Wind Resourcing Method, traditional therapy, somatic-based visualization and regulation tools, movement, time in nature, meditation to the sound of the backyard river, and relaxing in a hot tub.

Based upon your honed practice, self-awareness within therapy, and Ellen’s deep knowledge of you through time, this personalized experience will be tailored to your needs.

The Day-Long Retreat schedule typically consists of the following:

9:00am | Arrival and Orienting

9:30 am - 12:00 pm | Morning Movement, Meditation, or Visualization, followed by an in-depth Therapeutic Session

1 Hour Lunch Break

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Afternoon Session and Integration

3:30 pm | Solo Relaxation and Departure

Pricing & Insurance

$170 per 60-minute session - applies to all services offered.

$850 for Day-Long Retreats.

Pro-rated options are available if more time is desired.

I am an out-of-network provider and do not bill through insurance. Insurance companies require diagnoses, which follow a patient throughout their lifetime. If you would like to try for partial reimbursement with your insurance company, please contact them directly to learn what they may be able to offer; I can create a superbill that you may submit. Keep in mind that dance/movement therapy is a specialty service that is not readily offered everywhere, and some companies may reimburse a portion if they cannot offer their own specialty provider.